
Draggable & Sortable Kanban Board built using Nextjs

Kanban board built using Nextjs & TailwindCSS. Thoughts on how I built a fully draggable and sortable Kanban board using a toolkit called "dnd-kit", problems I faced and how I solved them and possible future additions.


Visualization provides a quick and effective way of communicating thats why Kanban boards are so important. Kanban boards provide a clear visualization of progress making it easier to understand overview of tasks which ned to be worked on, tasks which are being worked on, & tasks which have been completed. In your work especially in the tech industry you must have used Kanban boards.
I have always found them intuitive and useful so I decided to built my own, atleast a basic application with primal features.

Tech Stack

Problems faced & how I solved them

Final thoughts

I successfully used this new toolkit dnd-kit and was able to build an application with features that I actually use. I also learned about handling interactions betweeen components which are stacked one each other.
In future I would try to make an fullstack applciation with authentication, databases and live collabration.